Festive Season Functions

The festive season can sometimes produce challenging staff issues. It's an important time to remind all staff of standards of acceptable behaviour even at 'out of work hours' functions.

Most employers are well aware that their obligations to employee welfare and safety can still apply after work hours and outside of the usual work premises. Businesses often put time and cost into end of year celebrations to reward employees, so it also pays to spend some time putting together ways to make sure that the festivities end positively for everyone involved.

It's an important time to remind all staff of standards of acceptable behaviour.  It used to be what people did at the work party or event that could land them into trouble. Now, it's also publicly expressed opinions, photos posted online and recordings that can echo long after the send key is pressed!

Employees should be reminded that:

  • Just because a function is held after hours and away from work premises does not mean the usual standards of behaviour expected during working hours don’t apply.
  • All relevant work policies such as sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and disciplinary action policies apply to all employees attending the function.
  • Employee misconduct in breach of policies will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Employers should also carefully consider arrangements made for the function

  • Have a system in place for transport home
  • Designate a “responsible person” to monitor the party and deal with issues that arise
  • Arrange a designated time for the bar to close and the event to end
  • Remind staff that Kris Kringle gifts etc should be appropriate ie not offensive or sexual in nature
  • Suggest a dress code that keeps things professional
  • Don’t hang mistletoe (asking for trouble with this one)
  • Make it clear that moving on to an ‘after party’ venue is not part of the work sanctioned event

Speak to us for advice, check the Online Library and ensure your policies cover work-related but out of hours conduct and conduct away from the business premises. Ensure your social media policy is clear - remember lots of photos get taken at these events!

HR Policies & Procedures

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Advice & Guidance

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Workshops & Coaching

Ramping Up Performance of Employees, Improving Team Effectiveness, Building Awareness of Bullying/Harassment, Improving Recruitment & Selection Skills

Workplace Investigations

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